Sunday, February 8, 2009

The first day in the rest of my life

Well, I have taken time away from blogging and playing. But starting in 2009, some changes have been made. I will call today the first day of the rest of my life, as a whole new chapter has been written. After Stefanie came into my life, my poker time went down, disappeared and only came about on occasion. In January 2009 I made a commitment to myself to get back to the tables. Not the way the duke used to but with better control, playing a better style, with more knowledge and not trying to get to the long run in one session. Needless to say to break old habits isn't the easiest thing to do. I found myself jumping between 1 - 2 NL and 2 - 5 NL. Swinging uncontrollably for the month. When the smoke cleared I was up a little over a grand for the month, my new marriage was on the rocks and I needed some control. I have started February on an upswing I am playing shorter sessions with better earn rates, and in the month of February I have not lost. I am paying better attention to how I am playing forcing myself to play a very balanced, aggressive game. So far so good.

I started writing this blog with the intention that this was the First Day in the rest of "my" life. See my newlywed Wife and I are separating and getting a Divorce. I thought that playing Poker would allow me to pick myself back up and move on, but since the split I have not played, except in a home tournament with a $20 buy in. I have not had the drive or interest to play, maybe I got a little scared to risk my bankroll with the expenses that will arise, or I just feel like beating myself up emotionally. Never the less, I will be back on the grind soon, making sure that I am able to focus, play solid and move on. So its to me Living the rest of my life, one day at a time.